ROi CPS LLC Recall 88463
Description: REGARD Ear Tray
ROi CPS LLC Recall 88463 Information
Status | Terminated |
Mandated? | Voluntary: Firm initiated |
Recall Number | Z-0252-2022 |
Event ID | 88463 |
Event Description | REGARD Ear Tray |
Product Type | Devices |
Distribution | US Nationwide in the states of FL, LA and MO. |
Quantity | 44 trays |
Recall Reason | Povidone-Iodine swabstick manufactured by PDI, Inc. recalled due to Out of Specifications was used as a component in some of the ROI CPS, LLC products. |
Device Classification | 20211124 |
Device Code Info | Lots numbers: 88400C, 87798C, 86311C and 88537C |
Center Classification Date | 20211118 |
Recall Initiation Date | 20210810 |
Recalling Firm | ROi CPS LLC |
Initial Notification | |
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