Philips North America Llc Recall 89878
Description: Philips Hemodynamic Application, Model Number 722463, Software Version Number: R1.2.2 and R1.2.3. For visualization and analysis of patient hemodynamic data in the Philips Interventional Hemodynamic System.
Philips North America Llc Recall 89878 Information
Status | Ongoing |
Mandated? | Voluntary: Firm initiated |
Recall Number | Z-1041-2022 |
Event ID | 89878 |
Event Description | Philips Hemodynamic Application, Model Number 722463, Software Version Number: R1.2.2 and R1.2.3. For visualization and analysis of patient hemodynamic data in the Philips Interventional Hemodynamic System. |
Product Type | Devices |
Distribution | Devices were distributed to the following US states: FL, ID, NJ, OK, SC and TX. Devices were distributed to the following foreign countries: France, Germany, India, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, and Switzerland. |
Quantity | 77 |
Recall Reason | When a Neonatal patient is admitted, the Non-Invasive Blood Pressure is not set to Neonatal mode on the Philips Xperflex Cardio FC2010 patient monitor. If the NIBP is not set to Neonatal, the cuff inflation pressure applied will be higher than 150 mmHg and the deflation pressure will be higher than 5 mmHg. An applied cuff inflation pressure higher than 150mmHg or a deflation pressure higher than 5 could lead to bruising, mmHg nerve damage or bone deformity for a neonate. |
Device Classification | 20220518 |
Device Code Info | UDI: B-00884838084544; System Serial Numbers: 396 411 225 351 51 46 33 189 132 19 51 924 644 645 646 376 384 487 538 886 14 15 643 1194 220 1238 947 949 950 951 89 657 169 168 413 414 624 565 1060 393 512 278 818 362 123 802 395 576 932 291 834 539 605 161 970 686 761 229 230 |
Center Classification Date | 20220506 |
Recall Initiation Date | 20220222 |
Recalling Firm | Philips North America Llc |
Initial Notification | Letter |
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