Product Safety Recalls

Product Recall Tracker

Exactech, Inc. Recall 94092

Description: Exactech Equinoxe GLENOID, POSTERIOR AUGMENT,PEGGED, CEMENTED, 8o, RIGHT, Mates with: a) 38, 41, 44, 47 head, Small, Item Number 314-02-32, b) 41, 44, 47, 50 head, Medium, Item Number 314-02-33, c) 44, 47, 50, 53 head, Large, Item Number 314-02-34, d) 44, 47, 50, 53 head, Extra Large, Item Number 314-02-35; Shoulder Arthroplasty

Exactech, Inc. Recall 94092 Information

Mandated?Voluntary: Firm initiated
Recall NumberZ-1407-2024
Event ID94092
Event DescriptionExactech Equinoxe GLENOID, POSTERIOR AUGMENT,PEGGED, CEMENTED, 8o, RIGHT, Mates with: a) 38, 41, 44, 47 head, Small, Item Number 314-02-32, b) 41, 44, 47, 50 head, Medium, Item Number 314-02-33, c) 44, 47, 50, 53 head, Large, Item Number 314-02-34, d) 44, 47, 50, 53 head, Extra Large, Item Number 314-02-35; Shoulder Arthroplasty
Product TypeDevices
DistributionNationwide and Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Canada , China, Colombia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand
Quantity985 units
Recall ReasonThe packaging of these affected UHMWPE humeral liners and glenoids are nonconforming as they do not meet the established packaging specification. They were packaged in vacuum bags that did not contain an additional oxygen barrier layer consisting of Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH).
Device Classification20240410
Device Code Infoa) Item Number 314-02-32, UDI/DI 10885862175052, Serial Numbers: 2090670, 1984370, 2086996, 2090655, 2108671, 2086997, 2086999, 2379424, 2479807, 2640374, 2142682, 2147846, 2142679, 2479798, 2090659, 2147857, 2147847, 2640379, 2090665, 2086983, 2640371, 2142675, 2147834, 2086981, 2640406, 2086998, 1984369, 2147853, 2640397, 1984379, 2628334, 2640377, 2640375, 2640384, 2752430, 3570463, 3570474, 2640372, 2142674, 1984378, 2379426, 2640380, 2640391, 2640394, 2640395, 2640403, 2640410, 2379418, 2594876, 2640385, 3616755, 3616759, 3758373, 3616754, 3570473, 2983574, 3570462, 3570461, 3570454, 1984381, 2086989, 2147814, 2086988, 2147828, 2640408, 2594877, 2958057, 3970792, 2788748, 3970793, 2752423, 3970794, 4469187, 3616757, 4587423, 2379417, 2594878, 2788750, 2752418, 3570460, 4469183, 2958061, 3570459, 4591595, 4657525, 4657526, 4807291, 4657530, 2752421, 4469189, 4209410, 3570469, 3616758, 4602056, 5349352, 4591598, 5161352, 4485953, 4141933, 4409893, 4469185, 4520246, 5540785, 5540764, 5279160, 5540774, 5540781, 5540777, 5540773, 5929633, 5929646, 4497764, 4807288, 5519031, 5161362, 5161370, 5929643, 5929635, 5929624, 4409904, 5349329, 5349336, 5349327, 6846318, 6130751, 6130754, 6130763, 6846297, 6846301, 6846314, 6823520, 4651619, 6823534, 5929622, 7008973, 7008965, 5540789, 5929640; b) Item Number 314-02-33, UDI/DI 10885862175069, Serial Numbers: 2084927, 1985029, 2084773, 2141202, 1985036, 1985027, 2084781, 2084788, 2084783, 1985020, 2084904, 2084930, 1985024, 1985031, 2084771, 2084763, 2379448, 2084766, 2084920, 2084774, 2084772, 2426118, 2084779, 2084916, 1985028, 2141200, 2084914, 2149805, 1985033, 2485893, 2084919, 2149803, 2149820, 2105746, 1985030, 1985021, 2084764, 2149823, 2149828, 2149800, 1985032, 1985026, 2105745, 2149810, 2379454, 2379466, 2426097, 2149824, 2485884, 2426446, 2084922, 2379465, 2149811, 2426423, 2426447, 2084777, 2149788, 2149809, 2426427, 2379453, 2084769, 2149832, 2426117, 2426434, 2426418, 2141204, 2426114, 2149787, 2426101, 2149831, 2084924, 2426091, 2426413, 1985023, 2426439, 2084768, 2084765, 2149801, 2485898, 2426417, 2426125, 2084931, 2426422, 2379467, 2084923, 2628343, 2426112, 2628341, 2752437, 2684242, 2684245, 2700673, 2700682, 2752438, 2684223, 2684218, 2426113, 2426105, 2426102, 2084917, 2426437, 2084770, 2084780, 2426438, 2084776, 2149816, 2149808, 2485891, 2426426, 2485890, 2485897, 2141203, 2426444, 2379451, 2485889, 2149794, 2149785, 2485894, 2084787, 2426109, 1985035, 2426428, 2149819, 2149818, 2084928, 2149815, 2426103, 2149830, 2426432, 2628344, 2628342, 2684233, 2684220, 3637081, 2752446, 2942529, 2983586, 2942544, 2752449, 2942532, 2942521, 2983591, 2684227, 2873830, 2700679, 2752442, 2942531, 2684235, 2752447, 2983590, 2752445, 2983592, 2752439, 2983598, 2684238, 3574187, 3574162, 2752431, 2752436, 2684219, 3574185, 2942536, 3574166, 3574160, 3574182, 2684217, 3574181, 2149822, 2084905, 2426120, 2149791, 2084778, 2426092, 2149817, 2426104, 2149806, 2105744, 2426424, 2426443, 2149829, 2426106, 2426441, 2141201, 2149821, 2426111, 2485882, 2426425, 2485892, 2149789, 2752440, 3925823, 2873828, 3574186, 2942542, 3637092, 2700675, 3574188, 2942545, 3896139, 2942522, 3574174, 2684229, 3812899, 2942519, 3837391, 3837393, 2942538, 3637077, 3574175, 3837384, 3574163, 2684216, 2684222, 2700672, 3837400, 3637089, 3896134, 3574173, 3637069, 3637070, 3637071, 3637072, 3637079, 3637085, 3837396, 3842912, 3842911, 2873836, 3574189, 3574170, 3574184, 3574180, 3574183, 2684239, 3637078, 2084913, 2149825, 2591552, 2426436, 2426093, 2379457, 2873825, 3574167, 4113904, 4113894, 2983595, 2684224, 3925832, 3925826, 3574171, 2700671, 3637093, 4113892, 4113901, 4551913, 4398954, 4113900, 4113890, 3842914, 3896138, 3896131, 4398959, 3842913, 3637083, 4113897, 3637067, 2873832, 3637073, 3896137, 4398961, 3637095, 2426096, 3837394, 2684228, 3925820, 3896140, 3896136, 4113881, 4398967, 4512761, 4398962, 4398963, 4113905, 4685394, 3637094, 3925825, 4113898, 3837397, 4113907, 3925833, 3574165, 4398970, 4512756, 4398955, 3925816, 4551917, 4512755, 5387840, 5519105, 5349433, 5279877, 5279797, 5387821, 4780811, 4825319, 5279863, 4113906, 3896142, 4512762, 5519103, 5387826, 4685397, 5387829, 5387824, 5875156, 5743581, 5875144, 5743582, 5875163, 5929442, 5929443, 5929449, 6129392, 6129407, 5743594, 5929452, 5875162, 6129395, 5875168, 5929468, 5929446, 4113885, 4398965, 4780809, 5349421, 4825327, 4825326, 6129402, 6129410, 5929467, 6129394, 5743593, 6389101, 5875169, 5743579, 4825318, 5349411, 5279784, 4825324, 4780817, 4825323, 5279788, 5349422, 5387822, 6389081, 6129401, 6832085, 6584616, 5743589, 6129398, 6389102, 6389096, 6584617, 6584623, 5743590, 5929445, 6129405, 5929469, 6584622, 5387837, 5279862, 5279798, 5279867, 5929459, 5743725, 6584619, 5743732, 6129409, 6389080, 6832069, 5929461, 5875157, 5929457, 5743591, 6129393, 5743592, 6832075, 5929441, 5875161, 5875146, 5929447, 6832083, 5743734, 5743585, 6832079, 6832082, 6129408, 6584631, 5743595, 6584630, 6584615; c) Item Number 314-02-34, UDI/DI 10885862175076, Serial Numbers: 1984798, 1984806, 1984812, 1984803, 2093504, 2150262, 2150261, 1984799, 1984801, 2083436, 2093481, 1984797, 1984800, 1984802, 2083426, 2083430, 2150268, 2093474, 2293111, 2293101, 2425166, 1984805, 2083450, 2083469, 2425157, 2083464, 2083432, 2093515, 2093483, 2093516, 2425180, 2150270, 2093513, 2083459, 2293104, 2150265, 2083441, 2083445, 2093505, 2093472, 2083455, 2083460, 1984809, 2482931, 2425152, 2083446, 1984810, 2093491, 2083437, 2083443, 2083440, 2293109, 2150271, 2150264, 2093497, 2093487, 2093482, 2093506, 2425162, 2425170, 2425155, 2425153, 2093521, 2093473, 2083470, 2093502, 2640438, 2093511, 2083434, 2640449, 2425169, 2425134, 2083429, 2150274, 2083427, 2293124, 2293114, 2425161, 2425138, 2093503, 2628346, 2425159, 1984808, 2482933, 2425168, 2150278, 2083442, 2093475, 2293125, 2083457, 2083471, 2640443, 2083425, 2425148, 2482937, 2482926, 2425135, 2293100, 2293105, 2482936, 2093496, 2425173, 2293106, 2150272, 2083454, 2747880, 2747861, 2425124, 2425121, 2425147, 2425128, 2425129, 2425115, 2293122, 2425127, 2083433, 2083466, 2083444, 2640427, 2640435, 2083424, 2150277, 2640426, 2093489, 2425122, 2425123, 2093514, 2425144, 2425176, 2083462, 2482927, 2482928, 2293120, 2083452, 2425154, 2293121, 2640419, 2425132, 2093476, 2093488, 2640421, 2640429, 2425126, 2640450, 2093507, 2425172, 2425185, 2640428, 2425165, 2293098, 2482929, 2640414, 3570485, 3570493, 2877202, 2877206, 2747863, 2983582, 2983584, 2747865, 3570480, 2877207, 2754566, 2747868, 3570501, 2877210, 3570487, 2877211, 3741125, 2877215, 2967532, 3570483, 3570494, 2958315, 2747869, 2754561, 2754557, 3570490, 2747872, 3570489, 2628349, 2482930, 2640447, 2425149, 2293115, 2093495, 2093484, 2083422, 2640430, 2425146, 2083439, 2093478, 2640417, 2640432, 2083456, 2640440, 1984811, 2482925, 2083458, 2293127, 2293112, 2150279, 3570484, 3826845, 3741116, 3741115, 2747871, 2958320, 2877200, 3896159, 3896169, 3795618, 3570481, 3826852, 2983581, 3685423, 2958319, 3685428, 3896166, 3570496, 2754562, 3741117, 3896151, 3685421, 3685424, 3741123, 3741124, 3795624, 3795626, 3826860, 3896163, 2747878, 2967531, 3570492, 3896177, 3685422, 2425117, 2093509, 2425137, 1984813, 2640420, 2482932, 2586933, 2640441, 2640415, 3570477, 2877198, 3826862, 3826855, 4083724, 3826854, 2754560, 2967525, 2877199, 3896165, 2747873, 4083718, 4083723, 3997148, 4083719, 3896176, 3896154, 3570482, 2640439, 2425151, 2640437, 3896153, 4470778, 4512752, 3741127, 2877212, 2958316, 2747879, 3685426, 3896178, 2877208, 4083721, 4095017, 4470772, 5076175, 5076176, 5139720, 2747874, 4470774, 4095014, 4095018, 4083717, 3896172, 3685429, 3570479, 4470779, 5168349, 5496225, 5168337, 5496219, 5168339, 5655294, 5655304, 2628347, 3795623, 3896180, 4398972, 5168338, 4765131, 5168343, 5565653, 5691680, 5655307, 5691671, 5691672, 5691660, 5967231, 5967253, 5691673, 6218710, 5655301, 5967241, 6218690, 5565656, 4095015, 5496227, 5496235, 5351507, 6389254, 6389247, 6389243, 6218704, 5565647, 5967244, 4512749, 4475619, 4790541, 4790542, 5496231, 5351518, 5280312, 4790535, 5496237, 5967230, 6218716, 5655299, 6389230, 6218706, 5691678, 5565646, 6218702, 6218713, 6623276, 6623281, 6623293, 5691666, 5691674, 5655303, 5655290, 5691663, 5691684, 5967240, 5967251, 5967229, 4475628, 5351495, 5280322, 5168340, 5351516, 5496211, 5565649, 5655302, 6218698, 5655298, 5655293, 6623289, 6905374, 6905376, 6905377, 6905380, 6905408, 5691675, 6218714, 6905412, 6905396; d) Item Number 314-02-35, UDI/DI 10885862175083, Serial Numbers: 2084874, 1985093, 1985091, 2084879, 1985097, 1985106, 1985104, 2084859, 1985102, 1985094, 2169727, 1985095, 2138724, 2138702, 2640472, 2169725, 2084895, 2084896, 2378032, 2378023, 2378019, 2169726, 2378021, 2084882, 2084857, 3571551, 2961483, 2752463, 1985096, 2640480, 2378026, 2138699, 2640495, 2378030, 2479841, 1985100, 2752457, 4523804, 4442573, 5359162, 4442577, 4442570, 5280146, 5457321, 5457335, 5957970, 5957988, 5957990, 5875196, 5875186, 5359158, 5133528, 4442575, 4466032, 5457333, 5359153, 6713270, 4523806, 5143289, 5359164, 6986597, 6986605, 6986609, 6986611, 6986614, 5511964
Center Classification Date20240329
Recall Initiation Date20240306
Recalling FirmExactech, Inc.
Initial Notification Letter
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