Elekta, Inc. Recall 92270
Description: Elekta Medical Linear Accelerator (ELMA) included in the below platforms: a. Elekta Infinity; b. Versa HD; c. Elekta Synergy
Elekta, Inc. Recall 92270 Information
Status | Ongoing |
Mandated? | Voluntary: Firm initiated |
Recall Number | Z-1665-2023 |
Event ID | 92270 |
Event Description | Elekta Medical Linear Accelerator (ELMA) included in the below platforms: a. Elekta Infinity; b. Versa HD; c. Elekta Synergy |
Product Type | Devices |
Distribution | Worldwide distribution. US distribution to AR, IN, LA, OK, TN, VA, WA. International distribution to Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain. |
Quantity | 46 units |
Recall Reason | A component within a limited number of Elekta Linacs has been realized to be non-compliant to IEC 60601 |
Device Classification | 20230607 |
Device Code Info | Varex Part Number 95510354H-01 (Varex serial numbers 354-01H_A0010004PC to 354-01H_A0010269PC). a. Elekta Infinity: UDI-DI Number: 05060191071543, 05060191071512 (Serial Numbers: 156073, 152223, 153681); b. Versa HD: UDI-DI Number: 05060191071574, 05060191071529 (Serial Numbers: 156941, 156989, 156724, 156998); c. Elekta Synergy: UDI-DI Number: 05060191071550, 05060191071505 (Serial Number: 152483) Additional serial numbers distributed OUS: 109331, 109333, 109335, 109336, 109339, 109341, 109342, 151879, 152194, 153038, 153299, 153410, 153970, 156841, 156849, 156966, 156968, 156969, 156970, 156971, 156973, 156977, 156978, 156979, 156980, 156981, 156982, 156983, 156984, 156985, 156986, 156987, 156988, 156990, 156992, 156995, 156996, 156997. |
Center Classification Date | 20230530 |
Recall Initiation Date | 20230505 |
Recalling Firm | Elekta, Inc. |
Initial Notification | |
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