Dentech Corp. Recall 87847
Description: Rubber Dam Clamp, KSK - Product Usage: used for prevention of contamination by saliva and moisture prevention during dental treatment.
Dentech Corp. Recall 87847 Information
Status | Ongoing |
Mandated? | Voluntary: Firm initiated |
Recall Number | Z-1676-2021 |
Event ID | 87847 |
Event Description | Rubber Dam Clamp, KSK - Product Usage: used for prevention of contamination by saliva and moisture prevention during dental treatment. |
Product Type | Devices |
Distribution | Worldwide distribution - US Nationwide distribution in the states of CA, MN, KY, WA and the countries of Russia, Libya, Moldova, China, Egypt, India, Canada, Guatemala, Iraq, Saudi Araba, Australia, Ukraine, Israel, Indonesia, Malaysia, UK, Singapore, South Korea, Georgia, Taiwan Lithuania, Greece, Sweden, Netherland, France, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Norway and Romania. |
Quantity | 87,842 UNITS |
Recall Reason | Removing parts for safety reasons due to possible breakage. |
Device Classification | 20210602 |
Device Code Info | Product Code 01012912, no12A Lot Numbers: 190627004, 1812L014, 190708016, 190701018, 190712065, 190712043, 190805016, 190730025, 190731036, 190829013, 190903026, 190815021, 190925016, 191017004, 191009022, 191016040, 191025003, 190816010, 190816060, 191029047, 191016023, 191107029, 191114018, 191121025, 190625014, 191121004, 191029097, 191029138, 191029182, 191030018, 191210088, 200116011, 200204002, 200212011, 191206008, 191206065, 200214043, 200214025, 200225008, 200303006, 200311015, 200402007, 191029223, 191029266, 191029308, 200422023, 200526007, 200526026, 191206068, 191206122, 200130015, 191212035, 200619016, 191206073, 191029351, 200312010, 191206128, 201021075, 190507036, 190508005, 190522012, 190522064, 190524025, 190524061, 190528085, 190530037, 190603009, 190606002, 1806I002, 1808A006, 1810J009, 1812L014. Product Code 01014912, no 12A Lot Numbers: 190813028, 190731042, 190815020, 191113031, 191114017, 191030035, 200121009, 200214042, 200601023, 200619020, 200217009, 200731013, 201001091, 210118026, 210310033, 190614015, 190626011, 1805F039, 1806F049, 1810K008, 1812F024, 1903A003. Product Code 01019912, no 12A Lot Numbers: 191009021, 191114016, 191130036, 191030050, 200214041, 200601022, 200619026,190528052, 200902084, 210113041, 190401021, 190509164, 190513002, 190521029, 190524019, 190626076, 1805F055, 1806F058, 1809B013, 1810K012, 1812F027, 1903A004. Product Code 01012913, no 13A Lot Numbers: 190708017, 190712066, 190712044, 190805017, 190722009, 190730026, 190801003, 190731037, 190903027, 190815027, 190924002, 191002030, 191017005, 191009026, 191016041, 190816012, 190816060, 191029048, 191016024, 191107030, 191114023, 191121026, 191119018, 191121005, 191212036, 191029098, 191029139, 191029183, 191030019, 191210089, 200116012, 200212012, 191206011, 191206065, 200214048, 200214026, 200225009, 200303006, 200303007, 200311016, 200402008, 191029224, 191029267, 191029309, 200424019, 200422024, 200526008, 200526027, 191206068, 191206122, 200130016, 200623055, 200619047, 200617020, 200619017, 191206075, 200609040, 200312011, 200629014, 200723009, 200722013, 200727040, 200821033, 200727020, 191206129, 200626019, 200825074, 200825082, 191029478, 201006029, 201023047, 191206129, 201002057, 200923120, 201022031, 200924044, 201006052, 190508006, 190514013, 190522013, 190522065, 190524026, 190528091, 190530038, 190603010, 190606005, 1808A011, 1805H023, 1806I006, 1808A011, 1810G008, 1810J011, 1810J011, 1812L015. Product Code 01014913, no 13A Lot numbers: 190813029, 190731043, 190815026, 191114022, 191113032, 191130026, 191030036, 200214047, 200214031, 200601026, 200619021, 200731014, 201001096, 201113072, 210113045, 210118027, 210212048, 190614014, 190626012, 1806G005, 1810K009, 1812G003, 1902C003, 1902C003. Product Code 01019913, no 13A Lot numbers: 191009025, 191114021, 191030051, 200214035, 200619028, 200324042, 201002118, 201001097, 201113028, 201211159, 201211255, 190513003, 190521030, 190524020, 190626077, 1806G011, 1809A013, 1810K013, 1812G005, 1901G043, 1902F003. Product Code 01012026, no 26 Lot numbers: 1811J010, 190521007, 190705008, 190712051, 190726034, 190805022, 190709018, 190716045, 190813002, 190827085, 190925021, 191002026, 191009044, 191016044, 190816025, 191029050, 191115003, 191210023, 200105015, 191212045, 190916008, 190924034, 191206032, 191029101, 191029142, 191029186, 191030022, 191015131, 191112009, 191126043, 191210065, 191223018, 200114017, 200128016, 191206093, 200214074, 200225012, 191029227, 191029270, 191029312, 200325007, 200522006, 200526032, 200623058, 200430027, 200619054, 200622022, 200609032, 191029355, 200623028, 200312004,200722037, 200901033, 191029396, 191206142, 191206142, 200915054, 200728053, 200817108, 200916015, 191029440, 191029481, 200902058, 200914064, 201006030, 201022056, 201023048, 201002078, 200923123, 201009051, 191029524, 201028029, 200924047, 201002141, 201002168, 201002186, 201209001, 191029566, 201207039, 201014048. Product Code 01014026, no 26 Lot numbers: 190815048, 191114047, 191030039, 200214073, 200622076, 190613002, 190626019, 1807A026, 1807A026, 1811C001, 1812F019, 1901G007. Product Code 01019026, no26 Lot numbers: 191002038, 191009043, 190513001, 190626085, 1806G010, 1809B011, 1809F005, 1811C007, 1902F001. |
Center Classification Date | 20210525 |
Recall Initiation Date | 20210421 |
Recalling Firm | Dentech Corp. |
Initial Notification | |
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