Inlightened Partners LLC Recall 85106
Description: inLight Medical LED Pads used with Polychromatic light technology system
Inlightened Partners LLC Recall 85106 Information
Status | Terminated |
Mandated? | Voluntary: Firm initiated |
Recall Number | Z-1943-2021 |
Event ID | 85106 |
Event Description | inLight Medical LED Pads used with Polychromatic light technology system |
Product Type | Devices |
Distribution | Worldwide distribution - US Nationwide distribution in the states of CA, TX, NC, ID, CO, VA, FL, VT, AK, DC, MA, IL, AZ, MN, IA, TN, WI, WA, OK, MI, OH, GA, NY, IN, PA, NV, NJ, AR, CO , LA, MT, OR, SD, ND, MD, UT, MO, KY, NM, KS, AS, NE, WY, PR, MS and the country of Canada. |
Quantity | 926 |
Recall Reason | LED pads with cord connectors that have v-shaped notches may not have been assembled properly. This issue could lead to a power interruption, causing the controller and power supply to shut down. |
Device Classification | 20210630 |
Device Code Info | All serial numbers with cord connectors that have v-shaped notches |
Center Classification Date | 20210624 |
Recall Initiation Date | 20190604 |
Recalling Firm | Inlightened Partners LLC |
Initial Notification | Two or more of the following: Email, Fax, Letter, Press Release, Telephone, Visit |
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