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Description: CPSC Issues Warning On Certain Christmas Lites NEWS from CPSC U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 18, 1974 Release # 74-085 CPSC Issues Warning On Certain Christmas Lites Washington, D.C. (Dec. 18, 1974) -- The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in cooperation with the S.S. Kresge Co. and Noma Manufacturing and Import Co. today warned consumers that approximately 300,000 sets of indoor-outdoor miniature Christmas lights sold nationwide over the past two years could present severe hazard of electric shock and fire. Exposed metal contacts in the female end connector and loose or exposed bare wire connections make the lights potentially hazardous. Kresge sold the lights under its own brand name in K-Mart, Kresge and Jupiter stores across the country for between $2.00 and $5.00. The label on the greenish blue and white carton reads: "35 or 50 Professional Decorator's Miniature Lites." Possibly defective sets have the following serial numbers on the front of the carton: 91-21; 91-23; 91-24; 91-25; 91-26: 91-27; 91-28; 91-40B and 91-43 (for indoor only.) The Noma brand lights, which were sold in small retail outlets across the nation, are called "Noma Deluxe" and also state "35 or 50 Mini-Mini Lites" on the front of the box. Possibly defective sets carry the following numbers on the box cover: 3835; 3836: 3850; 3851; 3854; 3856. These lights were designed to be used singly or in groups. Noma will correct and repair, at no cost, all sets returned to them -- Noma, Forest Park, Illinois 60130. Consumers who purchased these lights should cease using them immediately and carefully disconnect them from electrical outlets. The Kresge Co. has stated that it will refund the purchase price. The Commission was alerted to the hazard after a youngster in Chicago received a shock when he accidentally touched the lights. The Commission urges consumers to check all their Christmas lights for possible hazards. [Learn More]

Recall Information

Recall Date12/18/1974
Recall ID3760
Recall Number74085
Product TypeLights (Seasonal)
HazardElectrocution/Electric Shock
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