Children’s wall-mounted lamps
Description: This recall involves IKEA children's wall-mounted lamps sold in various style names, shapes and colors. The lamps have a cord, about 7 to 8 feet long with either a switch on the cord or a switch located on the lamp. The following lamp styles are included in the recall reannouncement and expansion. Style Name Description BILEN Green front of car FLABB Red lips and white teeth KUSLIG Dark blue or pink domed reading lamp LJUSNING White round plastic frame with LED light MINNEN MINNEN FACKLA Red, blue or mother-of-pearl domed reading lamp with silver-colored spider on dome Silver and cream torch MYS HJÄRTLIG MYS KANIN MYS MÅNE MYS RIVIG White bunny on green gingham background nightlight Sleeping bunny nightlight Moon and stars nightlight Cat nightlight PIFFIG White and blue fabric domed nightlight Red, green, blue and yellow fabric domed nightlight Red fabric domed nightlight SEGLATS Sailboat nightlight SKOJIG White or green domed reading lamp with clouds SMILA BAGGE SMILA BLOMMA SMILA HJÄRTA SMILA MÅNE SMILA SNÄCKA SMILA STJÄRNA SMILA SJÖHÄST Green bug White, pink or red flower Red heart Yellow moon Blue seashell Blue star Orange seahorse SMULTRON GRODA Frog nightlight SMYG White tubular reading lamp with white metal sides White domed reading lamp with turquoise metal base White domed reading lamp with red metal base SNÖIG Light green, pink or white domed reading lamp STOJA Blue triangle on red base White pointed shade on red base with blue arrow SUSSA White rectangular lamp with grates TASSA TASSA NATT Dark blue lamp with wooden sides Dancing brown frogs Blue nightlight with moon and stars Yellow nightlight with squirrel [Learn More]
About 3.5 million in the United States, 1.4 million in Canada, 30.2 million worldwide (This reannouncement includes IKEA children's lamps in the firm's previous recall in December 2013 and expands the number and types of lamps.) units were affected by this recall.

IKEA Reannounces and Expands Recall of Children’s Wall-Mounted Lamps Due to Strangulation Hazard
BILEN children’s wall-mounted lamp. FLABB children’s wall-mounted lamp
Children’s wall-mounted lamps Recall Information
Country of Origin | United States |
Recall Date | 04/29/2014 |
Recall ID | 1666 |
Recall Number | 14161 |
Product Type | Lamps |
Hazard | Children can get entangled in the electrical cord that hangs from the children's wall-mounted lamps, posing a strangulation hazard. |
Injuries | A 15-month-old baby became entangled in the TASSA NATT lamp's cord and nearly strangled. This incident, and the death of a 16-month-old baby who died after getting entangled in the SMILA lamp's cord, were reported in the previous recall. In both incidents, which occurred in Europe, the lamp cord was pulled into the crib by the infants. |
Remedy | Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled lamps, remove them from the wall and contact IKEA for a free repair kit. Do not use the lamp until the repair kit is installed. The repair kit has self-adhesive fasteners for attaching the lamp's cord to the wall as well as safety instructions. |
Remedy Option | Repair |
Contact | IKEA toll-free at (888) 966-4532 anytime or online at and click on the Recall link at the top of the page for more information. |
Last Updated | 01/09/2015 |
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